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Overview | Food and nutrition | Treatments and side effects | Lifestyle changes | Possible complications | Emergency symptoms | Insurance | Support groups and information | Follow-up appointment | The bottom line


Talking about Crohn’s disease with your doctor can feel awkward, but it’s crucial for effective treatment. Here are key points to discuss:

  1. Bowel movements: Frequency and consistency
  2. Presence of blood in stool
  3. Abdominal pain: Location, severity, duration
  4. Flare-up frequency
  5. Other symptoms: Joint pain, skin issues, eye problems
  6. Sleep disturbances due to symptoms
  7. Changes in appetite and weight
  8. Impact on daily life: Work, school attendance
    Keeping a symptom diary helps. Also, share what treatments worked or didn’t.

Food and nutrition

It’s vital to discuss nutrition with your doctor if you have Crohn’s. Here’s what to ask:

  1. Foods to avoid and why
  2. Creating a food diary
  3. Nutritious foods safe for Crohn’s
  4. Diet tips for upset stomach
  5. Vitamins or supplements to consider
  6. Referral to a registered dietitian

Treatments and side effects

Discussing Crohn’s treatments with your doctor is key. Ask about:

  1. Recommended treatments for your symptoms
  2. Why a specific medication was chosen
  3. Timeframe for relief and expected improvements
  4. Dosage and frequency of medication
  5. Potential side effects and interactions
  6. OTC drugs for symptom relief
  7. Surgical considerations
  8. Emerging treatments and alternatives
  9. Consequences of declining treatment

Lifestyle changes

Besides dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments can aid symptom management. Inquire about:

  1. Exercise frequency and suitable activities
  2. Stress reduction techniques
  3. Smoking cessation guidance

Possible complications

While you might know the typical signs of Crohn’s disease, inquire about potential complications too. Discuss:

  1. Joint pain
  2. Eczema
  3. Malnutrition
  4. Intestinal ulcers
  5. Intestinal strictures
  6. Fistulas
  7. Fissures
  8. Abscesses
  9. Osteoporosis from long-term steroid use

Emergency symptoms

Crohn’s symptoms can vary, and it’s vital to know when they indicate a serious issue. Ask your doctor to outline emergency symptoms or treatment side effects needing immediate medical attention.


Before your visit, ensure your insurance is accepted. Some Crohn’s treatments can be costly. Inquire about pharmaceutical assistance programs to offset copays and out-of-pocket expenses.

Support groups and information

Consider requesting contact details for local support groups from your healthcare provider. These groups, whether in-person or online, offer not just emotional support but also a wealth of information on treatments, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments. Additionally, inquire about brochures or recommended websites to ensure you have access to comprehensive resources post-appointment. It’s vital to leave your appointment feeling fully informed and supported.

Follow-up appointment

Your health is paramount, and it’s essential to feel comfortable working alongside your doctor to receive the best possible care. If you’re not getting the attention, time, or information you need, don’t hesitate to explore finding a new doctor. Seeking multiple opinions is common and valuable until you find the healthcare provider that meets your needs.

The bottom line

Your well-being comes first, and it’s crucial to feel at ease collaborating with your doctor for optimal care. If you’re not receiving the attention, time, or information you require, consider seeking a new doctor. Seeking second or even third opinions is common and important until you find the right match.

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Overview | Food and nutrition | Treatments and side effects | Lifestyle changes | Possible complications | Emergency symptoms | Insurance | Support groups and information | Follow-up appointment | The bottom line

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